#ChooseToChallenge imposter syndrome at our next HFM Together event on 18th March

Today, 8th March, marks International Women’s Day, which celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and promotes accelerating gender parity. This year’s theme is ‘Choose To Challenge’.

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Last year we launched HFM Together as a non-partisan forum designed to do just that – encouraging everyone in the industry to come together and discuss the promotion of inclusivity and diversity in hedge funds.

Our first HFM Together event in December on Women in Funds featured keynotes from Giuliana Bordigoni, Director of Specialist Strategies, Man AHL and Kathryn Kaminski, Chief Research Strategist, Portfolio Manager, AlphaSimplex Group, as well as three panel discussions on unconscious bias, expanding your talent pool, and developing and maintaining an inclusive culture. You can watch all the recordings here in our dedicated HFM Together room on HFM Connect.

Our next event is taking place on Thursday 18th March and will discuss the science of imposter syndrome in the workplace and how best to overcome it.

Imposter syndrome refers to an internal self-perception of inadequacy and doubt which persists despite evident and proven capability. It manifests as a lack of self-confidence, anxiety and the belief that you have achieved your successes through luck, rather than skill. 

Imposter syndrome affects the majority of the population, regardless of gender or age, and has only been exacerbated by comparisons on social media. If left un-tackled, imposter syndrome can lead to an absence of ambition, and occasionally the end of careers. 

At the event, you will hear from bestselling author Dr Tara Halliday on the science of imposter syndrome and how to resolve it; Nat Kilsby, COO of Quadrature will discuss mental resilience, imposter syndrome and working in the industry as a gender fluid individual; and you’ll have the opportunity to take part in small breakout room sessions with your peers to discuss the day’s topics and share your own experiences in an off-the-record setting.

For more information and to register your place, please visit: https://www.hfmtogether.com/home

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